Engine Oils Used in Motor Vehicles

Mineral Oils
Mineral oils are classic oils that have been in use for a long time. Place They are produced by adding detergent, viscosity improver and anti-wear additives after distillation of the petroleum we know below. They are generally inexpensive and offer mediocre performance.
Synthetic Oils
Synthetic oils are oils produced by chemists as a result of various chemical processes in the laboratory environment. They are more expensive than mineral oils, but they offer both better performance and longer use. It has high thermal endurance. More lubrication tasks They perform for long periods of time and can withstand much more heat.
Semi-Synthetic Oils
Semi-synthetic oils are a mixture of these two, and both their price and performance are in between. They are mostly seized by mixing 70-80% mineral oil with 20-30% synthetic oil.
For Gasoline Engines
▪ SA service type oils are additive-free oils. It is used in gasoline and diesel engines operating under light load.
▪ SB service type oils contain anti-corrosion rubber material. It is used for gasoline engines operating under light load.
▪ SC service type oils are suitable for working at low and high temperatures, have anti-wear and rust-proof properties.
▪ SD service type oils are produced in accordance with 1968 engine technology and are used in gasoline engines. It is also used wherever SB, SC service oils are recommended.
▪ SE service type oils are produced in accordance with the engine technology of 1972. It is used in gasoline engines. Separate SC and SD service It can be used easily wherever oils are used.
▪ SF service type oils are prepared in accordance with 1980 engine technology. It is used in gasoline engines.
▪ SG service type oils: Prepared in accordance with 1988 engine technology. It is used in gasoline engines. It is the most premium oil available.

For Diesel Engines
▪ CA service type oils are used in diesel engines operating with low sulfur and good quality diesel and light duty gasoline engines.
▪ CB service type oils are used in diesel engines operating with medium load and high sulfur and low quality diesel oil. It can also be put into light-duty gasoline engines.
▪ CC service type oils, medium and heavy duty low supercharger (blower) It is used in engines or turbo diesel engines and heavy-duty gasoline engines.
▪ CD service type oils are supercharger and turbo diesel engine oils operating at high speed and high efficiency.
Oil Number Air temperature (degrees C)
S.A.E 5W – 20 – 8 to – 30
S.A.E 5W – 30 – 30 to 16
S.A.E 10W – 18 to 16
S.A.E 10W – 30 – 18 to 40
S.A.E 10W – 40 – 18 to 40
S.A.E 20W – 20 – 8 to 40
S.A.E 20W – 40 to 8 to 40
S.A.E 20W – 50 to 8 to 40
S.A.E 30 to 5 to 40